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These socialist Democrats are even controlling Shark Watermelon Summer Surfing Ocean Beach T shirt! Sports teams now forced to have a political opinion that is always socialist and communist, as well as racist against white people, and we have to sit through that and be insulted just because we want to watch a sporting event. This is ridiculous. Joe Biden and his Marxist controller state that they are setting up a commission so that children and teens can call a number and “turn in their friends and their parents if they hear anything suspicious.” So what does that mean? It means anything that is not politically correct… meaning anybody who sounds like a Trump supporter or a Republican…. Used to be canceled, shunned, Reviled, harassed, called names like racist and bigot even if it’s not true.

Don Henley was an English major in college, which has served Shark Watermelon Summer Surfing Ocean Beach T shirt well in the craft of songwriting. Henley feels that a song’s lyrics should be able to stand alone as a piece of literature, without vocals or musical accompaniment. Bob Seger once gave some important advice to a friend who asked him about how to write songs. Seger’s friend asked, “What if my songs are bad?” To which Seger replied, “The first ones will probably be bad. But if you keep at it, you’ll get better.” Seger’s friend was Glenn Frey, who a few years later would meet Don Henley out West and form the Eagles, a band that would go on to sell 150 million albums worldwide. Frey, along with Henley and Seger, would end up being inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame.
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But more serious are the issues that I think can be boiled down to well-known, widely attested fact, especially in matters of Shark Watermelon Summer Surfing Ocean Beach T shirt or public license record. Self described conservatives with whom I have spoken go to what seem to me to be ridiculous, conspiracy-theory laden lengths to claim that the facts are in fact slanted lies, and that therefore the consequences I see as obvious, and inevitable if change is not achieved, look like power grabs founded on lies by the powerful. They think I am either lying or duped. I think I have examined the evidence and made an informed decision. They think that all my sources are biased and full of untruth. I think the same thing about the sources they think are maximally credible.